Saturday, April 19, 2008

Double homicide

Today I drove all the way to Lee's Summit to pick out the carpet for our house. It's fun shopping for things when you don't have to pay for them. I drove directly from there downtown for the KC Improv festival planning meeting. This is going to be so much fun, I can't wait for it. Leigha and Brianna got to play with Jared's (another improviser) son. They seemed to have a good time. After coming home and making the kids pack while I cleaned out my car Nifer came over and we had a Fluffer Nutter rehearsal. We're getting better, really starting to connect with one another mentally. Awesome. Then we drove to the Imp together for two spectacular shows. The seven o clock show in particular had a longform that was just spectacular. I didn't want it to end. This is a recreation (dang) of a scene from the longform. Basically, I was the prince of a kingdom, Nifer was the princess, our parents were fighting over who would be the successor and it was this huge power battle, so finally Nifer and I settled our differences by coming to terms that nobody in our family should rule so we shot each other. It was actually a really moving (yet comical) moment. After the shows we sat around talking for a while. One of our new members came to the nine o clock show and seemed to enjoy himself a lot. It was great chatting with everyone like that. It seems like it's been a while since we've had that level of comfort with one another.

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