Sunday, January 6, 2008

Use your star power!

We went to Jenny and Jason's house today to play Guitar Hero again. Jenny and I played in a "band" together and rocked so much we got an encore. Yeah, we're really that cool. While we were there Jason (not mine, Jenny's) got a call from a friend asking if Jason could drop off a fish tank at his house. Jason said yes and left, saying he'd be back soon. After a while the kids got cranky and we decided it was time to leave. We said goodbye to Jenny and left. On the road home we saw Jason's truck on the side of the road, flashing his hazards. We pulled over to see if we could help...apparently his axle is broken somehow! They managed to limp the truck home, but it's going to be a doozy of a repair job, if not a total car replacement. Major suckage. Car trouble seems to just freakin' follow me around, I swear. I'm glad he was at least able to get home, though, at least they won't have to pay a tow bill as well.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I love how Tucker is getting in on the action!