Saturday, November 22, 2008

2 cute 2 be 4 gotten

Today was one of those days where the second my feet hit the carpet they took off running. *whew!* The girls auditioned for a Christmas play today. Yes, both of them. This is going to be Brianna's first play! It's basically one of those things where if you show up you're in it, but they both tried out for speaking parts. Brianna tried out for the role of a shepherd and she was actually semi-audible 3/4 of the way back! I'm so proud of her. She was even doing her "I'm pretending I'm shy, look how cute I am!" Routine. Leigha tried for a couple parts too and she did a pretty good job of speaking up as well. After the auditions were over we went to the airport to have lunch with Jason. I had a ton of stuff in my arms as I walked in from the parking lot, including my lunch, so I was only able to hold the girls' hands with one of my hands. They didn't mind sharing, though, and the action induced much giggling. We got down to the mechanic shop and I set my stuff down, only to discover that I had dropped my sandwich somewhere between my car and the shop. Gentleman that he is (and knowing I would not be able to get back into the secure area without him) Jason decided to retrace my steps all the way back to my car, but alas, my poor sandwich was nowhere to be found. I had a delicious lunch of an apple and two crackers, followed by consoletory Starbucks. I can't believe I dropped my sandwich, I feel so stupid (and amused at myself). After lunch I went to Alanna's and the kiddos played while we talked. She invited Jason and I over for dinner, so Jason swung by after work. We had a lovely dinner and we watched Wall-E, which was really really cute. By the time we finally got home Spartacus was pretty happy to see us. Poor kitty. We'll pet him into a coma tomorrow to make up for it.

1 comment:

Lynette said...

Where was this play? Did the girls get parts? I'm shocked at Bri!!! :)

I had dinner with people from a play today. My friend Sarah and her family were there. Her girls remind me of Leigha and Bri. I showed her oldest (Faith) their picture on my phone today. The smart 7 year old she is, she agreed that They looked like she and her sister Mia. It was great!