Thursday, November 27, 2008

Food for thank

I tried to find one picture from today that completely encapsulated the spirit that is the great American Thanksgiving. Did I do a good job? In my quest to make a blogular time capsule of my life in 2008, there are very few pictures that I've taken that can be considered "timeless." I do believe this is one of them, and if it were black and white, it could very well have been taken in the 1930's for all you know...if you replace the paper plate with something slightly more permanent such as an actual plate. (Who wants all those dishes? Yurcch!) I went to Joe and Cherie's house at noon today and there was, what else, food, conversation, games, good friends, and warm feelings. After dinner we took a nice, long hike through the woods and up a couple HUGE hills. While we were entrenched in the wilderness we stumbled upon a ravine with some rusted metal stuck in it. Upon closer examination, the rusted metal was actually a really old car that looked as though a flood had overtaken it at one point and it was now stuck in the side of a hill with a tree growing right through the middle of it. How cool is that? We walked a bit further and found it's liscence plate embedded in the trunk of a tree, only a small corner visible. The plate was rusted and there was no paint on it, but the embossed letters clearly read, "Kansas 42." Awesome. We returned to the house and snacked on leftovers and had some pie. A little later Jason showed up, straight from work. He had his food and we all went upstairs to play games. My favorite was "Pictionary Telephone." Everyone writes a phrase or an action on a piece of paper then passes it to their right. That person then takes the phrase and draws a picture portraying it, then you pass the paper to the right again. You then look at what the person has drawn and write what you think is happening in the picture, then pass it again. After about three or four rounds of this you look at them all to see what has been drawn and written. It was great! My favorite was the one where someone had written, "I just stepped on a frog." The drawing was of a person stepping on a frog. From there, someone else wrote, "A frog getting stepped on." The drawing for that was of a disheveled looking stick figure standing on a frog. The next words were, "A hippie squishing a frog." This was mine to draw. I drew a guy with round mirrored glasses, a bandanna, long hair and a fringed vest. Peace sign on one hand, the other was a fist clenched around a frog, eyes bulging. There was stuff flying in the air, and the word, "SPLUUURGH!" Written in the air above. The last phrase said, "Hippie Dippie." About that time I did what I'm famous for. Something clumsy. This time I spilled an entire styrofoam cup of hot coffee all over myself, and it was time to leave. We said goodbye to our friends who so graciously opened their home to us, and I drove home like a madwoman to expedite the process of getting into pajamas and washing my soiled clothing.

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