Saturday, November 29, 2008

What's in your head?

Today was pretty much pure bliss. I decided I would sleep until I woke up naturally, so at the crack of one pm I was up. Blame it on the cloudy skies outside, whatever, it was amazing. I had a nice leisurely lunch (well, what was I supposed to have? Breakfast?) and went downtown. I decided I would go to a few vintage shops, since I could browse without fear of children thinking they were hilarious for completely disappearing into clothing racks full of irreplaceable items that will, in fact, soil when touched by sticky little hands. (not that I let my kids go without washing their hands, but for whatever reason, they always manage to have peanut butter on them when hanging around expensive/one of a kind items.) After hitting four stores and browsing to my heart's content, I decided to do something I have never done before. I went to a coffee shop BY MYSELF and read for an hour. I go to coffee shops all the time, but I'm either with someone or I'm in a hurry to get somewhere. Today I decided I was just going to chill. It was wonderful. By the time I finished my mocha and decided it was time to skeedaddle, I had just enough time to get home, get ready, and leave with Jason for the theater. We had two really solid shows and it was an absolute blast. Weird coincidence, though, a guy had come to the classes earlier that day. Apparently he used to be in Funny Outfit waaaaaaaaay back in the day with Trish and Guy and all the improv masters of Kansas City. He also used to work at the airport with Jason! In fact, he's the guy that found the iPod and gave it to Jason to give to me. Funnily enough, before I knew he was the guy that found it, during the show I brought up the fact that my iPod had been found on an airplane. What are the odds? Seriously! So they talked for a while and the guy stayed through the second show then he and Jason exchanged numbers so they could stay in touch. After the shows Jason and I went to Yard House. They have half price appetizers on Saturday nights. Mmm.... It was so great. I've really, really enjoyed the last several days.

P.S.-First snow of the season today. Yay!

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