Sunday, March 9, 2008

I got a wicked yes.

Yes, this is how Jason drives on long trips. Well, he usually keeps one hand on the wheel, but when I'm taking a picture...yeah. We got up, packed, Jason and I went to Toy's R Us and stood in line for a Wii which we then purchased, ate breakfast and went our separate ways. Jason's mom and Tim to their house with the horses, and my little family and Jason's dad to the arch. He's never seen it. We took a ton of pictures and went downstairs to the museum and stuff. After that we hit the mall real quick so I could pick up some stuff at H&M, which we don't have here and I love and wish we had because it's freaking awesome, then we parted ways with Jason's dad, hit White Castle, and began the drive home. Four days in Saint Louis=awesome, but it's soooo good to be back in Kansas City. I've only lived here two years but it totally feels like home and I just love it. There were a couple times in Saint Louis when Jason and I were out and about and I kept thinking, "Well, this is cool, but I prefer Westport." And we had some bbq, but....yeah. Not at all comparable. So here's to you, Kansas City! *hugs* I missed you and it's good to be back, although I had a ton of fun. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to play Guitar Hero. It's been waiting in my living room since Christmas for crying out loud.

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