Thursday, June 26, 2008

Happy Birthday, Brianna!

Brianna is four today! I can't believe it! We had pancakes for breakfast and I presented her with her first gift, a gorgeous pink princess dress that I've been saving since just after Christmas when it went on sale. She was absolutely thrilled and put it on immediately. We drove to Deadwood today and toured a gold mine, had a picnic, then went to a cool Victorian house museum and a local history museum. On our way back to our campsite we went through Custer so we could celebrate Brianna's birthday in style at the "Purple Pie Place." It's a little old house turned ice cream and pie parlour. If you ever come up this way, so totally go there. Best pie I've had in my life, and I make amazing pie. On the way back to the car I gave Bri a big hug and said, "Happy birthday, Brianna." She sighed back, "Mmmm...happy birthday, Mommy."


Lynette said...

Did she get my message? Mom did insist that we sing when I called. I tried to get out of it, but they wouldn't let me!

sugarbumkin said...

Yes, she got your message. She started grinning widely then started giggling about halfway through, then handed me the phone when it was over and said, "That was funny." Then Leigha had to listen to it, of course, then Jason wanted to hear it. It was amusing to all, thanks for suffering through it for Bri, she loved it.