Monday, June 2, 2008


This very pregnant Biblical gal is my friend Joy. Today was the first day of VBS and apparently she was leading one of the classes...either that or it's laundry day. I was in the craft dungeon all morning, which is kind of nice. It's a lot cooler down there and you're too busy to get bored at all. There are two little girls in the K-1st grade class that were just hysterical. They were talking about the other girls like, "Oooooh, girlfriend, she's gonna git in tr-OUBLE!" It's so amusing to see people that small packing that big of an attitude. Well, in small doses. I'm sure it would be frustrating to deal with all the time. We spent the afternoon fixing trim and trying to move things around now that we finally have the basement free. We have to dig the couch out, though, it kind of got buried in the garage with everything else. Oops. This evening I did nothing, nothing at all. *Whistles innocently*

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