Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Shearing the sheep

Leigha has been asking for a haircut for a little while and I can't blame her. Our hair is super thick, especially at the nape of the neck, and it's like growing a sweater after a bit. It's starting to warm up and her mewlings have grown more frequent, so today I decided to just get it over with. I grabbed some scissors and we headed into the bathroom, placed towels all over the place, and I started cutting. Brianna came up to the door to watch. "Mom, I don't want a haircut." "You do or you don't?" "I don't." Okay then. I continued to cut, added a couple cute layers, and as the job was nearing completion Brianna chimed in again. "Okay. I want a haircut, just don't hurt me." Here are my proud childrenlings sporting their new looks. Leigha's hair freaked out for about the first hour (as you can see) but then, true to adaptable curly haired form, it settled down into a cute pattern of soft waves. Bri's hair is a lot more fine so it settled immediately.

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