Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Roving Imp: Your back, we has it.

Day three of VBS. Almost done....grah! As a worker you defenetely have a love/hate relationship with the whole thing. Today wasn't too bad, though. We put together treasure boxes, fun! I swear I helped the kids who were the most "I can't do this, can you put this together for me?" types. Not fun. I watched Melissa's gorgeous baby girl Braelyn today. She's about a year and a half or so. Bri and Leigha entertained her and had the best time. At one point she found Brianna's bonnet (think Little House on the Prarie) and pulled it over her head. It was so big it covered to her chest so I know she couldn't see. Her pacifier was on the ground in front of her. All I could see was bonnet, torso, and legs. Slowly a chubby arm and hand reach down, grope around, find the paci and dissapear back under the bonnet. It was a very funny visual. Practice tonight was fun, we had a ton of people there which is always an interesting experience to say the least. We took some pictures as a group, this is my favorite. :-D

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