Sunday, June 15, 2008

I love ewe

After a furious afternoon of packing we left our house and drove an hour and a half to our church's camp. It's Junior high week and they needed major help with staffing, so our pastor asked us if we could show up, kids and all, to help out. I enjoy helping out a lot. Junior high is such a neat age, still children but trying to figure out how to be more adult. My girls are having a blast, playing in the sandbox, playing tetherball, running around like monkeys, and tormenting the preacher's kids. In fact, when the camp had a bowling outing this evening, Leigha conned the pastor's oldest son into asking his mom for a quarter for the claw game machine. She saw a lamb toy she desperately wanted and asked him to get it for her. He got the quarter, sweet talked a camper who had been playing the game earlier, and got Leigha that lamb toy. When Leigha went to bowl she had Brennan (the pastor's son) watch the lamb for her. Shannon (Brennan's mom) is freaking out. "They're moving too fast, they have a kid together!" Innacurate, duh, since a lamb is a baby sheep, not a baby goat. Ba dump ching. (yeah, I'm tired.)

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