Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Plane truth

This morning the girls and I hopped on a plane to Reno. Leigha is spending the week at grandma's house all by herself, something I myself did with my grandparents when I was a young'un. Here is Leigha, Brianna, and my older sister Lynette sitting in my mom's sewing room. I had a great shot of us walking into In-N-Out Burger where I had a much anticipated super delicious lunch, but it doesn't seem right that the only shots of my sisters on my blog thus far have been when they were on my parent's webcam. So here ya go. On the plane ride this morning I saw a kid who was very obviously the only child of two older parents. The kid was wearing a red and blue polo shirt, glasses, and some khaki slack short thingies, and also a pilot's cap set on his close cropped blonde hair. They sat in front of me on the flight, fussing over him the entire time. When we touched down his mom said, "Oh, sweetie, don't you want to carry your violin?" (note-kid was about 4, if that.) One of those observational experiences that just make you go, "Yup..............." So yeah. Had a great day visiting with my mom, dad, and sister. Watched a movie, ate some pizza, and watched the sun set through the reddish haze coming in from the California wildfires.

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