Thursday, August 14, 2008

Don't speak

Jen and I went out this afternoon to hang posters and put out postcards for the Kansas City Improv festival. We had a good time, it was a rainy day so it was nice to stop for a cup of coffee in the middle. I noticed that the cups nearly matched the green on the postcards. Brianna noticed that Jen had apples on her plate. Rehearsal tonight was pretty fantastic. I heard Susan and Mick's voices in the back of my head the whole time, and they had very helpful things to say! After rehearsal we played a board game called "Battle of the Sexes." It was pretty fun. Some of the questions were like, "Okay, so how is this a girl question?" And some were like, "Is that even English?" In the end, the boys won, thus proving that theater guys know a lot about girls and girl ways.

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