Friday, August 15, 2008

How sweet it is.

This is a picture of humiliation in all it's glory. Jason decided it would be fun to challenge Leigha on the Wii. He beat her pretty good in tennis and they moved on to bowling. Jason carefully maneuvered his mii to a particular side of the lane because he knew exactly how far to the left his ball curved after being thrown. He meticulously fiddled with the angle of trajectory until everything was JUST right. Then and only then would his arm swing back, with just the right amount of force, and release the ball. Leigha handed the wii-mote to Brianna in between frames. When it was her turn to bowl she would basically fling the device in whatever direction seemed handy at the time, and more often than not she had to try again because she kept releasing the ball into the crowd (side note-the miis that are watching jump out of the way and look aghast.) before finally managing to get it rolling down the lane. Their first game...she beat him by about 10 points. I was laughing pretty hard. Jason said, "Okay, fine, time for bed." Which, of course, made me laugh even harder. He looked at me, raised his eyebrows, and said, "Leigha..........get the remote." They played a second game in identical fashion. Not only did Leigha beat him by 36 points....she set a record on our console. Nice. Just so you know, the mii she's using (red) is the one she and Bri made to look like Spartacus. They put a hat on him because, "We don't know what his hair would look like."

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