Monday, August 25, 2008

She's fluffer and I'm nutter!

Ladies and gentlemen, the cutest improv duet in the history of the world. Able to cuddle at the speed of light and equipped with mary janes of justice, together, Nifer and I are Fluffer Nutter! Tonight was the tech rehearsal for Thunderdome. The teams slated for battle this Saturday are: Burnin' Sternums, Fluffer Nutter, and Type O Positive. We drew numbers to see what order we're going in, got info on call times and whatnot, then did a quick runthrough of our sets. Jason went to his fantasy football league draft this evening and we couldn't find a babysitter so he ended up taking them with him. I was done pretty early so I picked them up on the way home. Leigha proudly showed me the list she wrote of Jason's team and Jason proudly showed me the plaque he got for coming in second place during last season's tournament. Yay, Jason! Spartacus stayed home all evening and was very clingy when we all got home. Poor kitteh. Tomorrow I'll snuggle him extra hard.

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