Monday, August 4, 2008

She's not messing around!

Got up, took a shower, grabbed a chewy granola bar, and took the red line north to the Annoynce Theater! My first teacher was Susan Messing (pictured) who I learned so, so much from. I took three pages of notes. If you ever get the chance to take a class from her, do what you have to do, just take that class. Anyone wanting specifics, you are so invited to consult me and my notebook, but in the interest of time (yours and mine) I won't go into it here. We had an hour for lunch and ended up at a place near the theater that was SLOW about getting our food out. By the time we got it (and we ordered right away) we had five minutes to shovel it in and run. Rich Sohn was our afternoon instructor and we did a kajillion scenes, some of them five seconds long! By the time we were done I was exhausted, the good kind. I took the train back and met up with Nifer. We hit Juicy Couture so I could drool over the cute clothing and wish I was a size 2, then went north to Wrigleyville so we could catch the Armando Diaz Experience at iO. I'm dissapointed they painted over the white swirly thing on the outside of the building. The show was pretty much the most amazing thing, like, ever. Seriously. While we were in the building we heard thunder, then during the Q and A session we heard POURING rain. We walked outside into sheets of rain and sheets of Cubs fans (rained out) and headed for the Taco Bell to finally, finally eat some dinner. It was midnight by then. After that we came back to the hotel. Exhausted. The good kind. I love this city, FYI.

1 comment:

improvclown said...

still jealous...I will be reading your notebook.