Saturday, August 2, 2008

It lasts longer

At the Roving Imp theater there are pictures on the wall of everyone who has performed in the group. They are arranged in order of who has performed the most shows. Tonight my picture was in a different spot for the first time since the pictures were put up. Why? Because there are now enough pictures on the wall to have bumped the top three over to the other wall! That's exciting. Also, Nifer leapt James, which is a pretty big deal. The picture order has been the topic of many lobby conversations over the past year and a half, even causing a performer to come back after several months of absence to keep someone's picture behind theirs on the wall. Anyhow, so yeah, did a show tonight. The high school show was supposed to be tonight but a lot of them couldn't make it, so John padded the numbers with Imps. I stuck around after to see Type O Positive at eight. I was going to see Trivial Prov-Suit at nine, but I was yawning through the (fantastic and hillarious) eight o clock set, so I decided to come home. I do have to be up really early tomorrow after all. I did most of my packing today. Most of it. I'm going to grab a couple more things before bed. Not sleep.....I doubt I'll be getting much tonight. I'm exhausted but really excited.

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