Saturday, February 23, 2008

It's over!!!!

Okay, so........I totally don't remember exactly what was going on in this one....but this is a picture of Hype 7 doing our longform in the 7 o clock show at the Roving Imp. We did a spoof on reality tv. In this one we were roommates with a couch and somehow Joe's character just kept getting older and older. I think eventually he was 92. The fun thing about the reality tv show spoof was that we had a "confessional" booth, which was great for revealing plot secrets and setting up new scenes and whatnot. This is Zak, me, Bryan, and Tiffany. I had a good fan base in the audience this evening. Jenny came and so did Mike B. Sweet! I'm so happy they came, it's really nice having friends in the crowd. That was the last of our shows, and after such a busy week of rehearsing and performing, I'm glad it's over. I had a blast, but I need a break now. Great shows, all!


Jenny said...

I believe that is when he "threw up"

Spark*Life said...

Jennahagg is right, that's when