Friday, February 8, 2008

Win some, lose some

Improv Thunderdome, Round 2! Tonights competitiors: Scriptease vs. Babelfish vs. Antiprov.

Members of Scriptease:
Clayton Ingram (second from right standing up, grey hoodie over orange shirt)
Drew Davidson (kneeling on floor, beige button up shirt with blue shirt underneath)
Rene Boudreaux (third from right, greyish shirt, leaning back a little

Members of Babelfish:
Joe Henley (kneeling, grey shirt, right side)
John Robison (standing, second from left, uncomfortably close to Nathan)
Nathan Stewart (standing, third from left, argyle sweater)

Members of Antiprov:
Scott Connerly (kneeling, in the middle, grey shirt)
Joe Stephenson (standing, first on the right, white shirt)
Jessica Robins (The only girl...and that's me)

We collectively did a fantastic show. I was so nervous. After the first round of Thunderdome people asked for the DVD so they had cameras filming everything...even us warming up backstage! That was a little strange, but kind of fun too. In the end Scriptease won and we all went to Mc Coy's to celebrate a great night of improv. I got congratulated by a lot of improvisers that I respect the crap out of, which felt awesome. I am sad to see Antiprov's short lived day in the sun come to a close, but it was so great while it lasted.

The bank accepted our offer for the house. We go in for the official paperwork on Monday. This is so unreal.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Your getting a house!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!