Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cloodle me this...

Today I went shopping with Melissa. I pretty much dragged her all over town, I had a lot of errands to run so she was along for the ride mostly. We had fun, shared laughs, got coffee, and since we were in the vicinity, had lunch at the airport with Jason. I came home and finished wallpapering the kitchen (it's almost done, yay!) made and ate dinner, then went to rehearsal. I am not feeling the best tonight so my energy was a bit off, but it still ended up being a lot of fun. I got to play a singer/songwriter hippy-esque character who had all the important jobs in a small town, that was fun. After rehearsal we all played Cranium. I love that game and I've played it several times, but I think I've only ever been on the winning team twice. Oh well, that's not what I'm in it for anyhow. We were talking about shows and rehearsals we've done in the past and Julie said, "Hey guys, remember that one where we all crammed into the alcove on the back of the stage? Let's all do it now!" And we did. Just because. And that's why I love improvisers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't get the credit for that. It was all nifer.