Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Oh the things I could hide....

Thanks to the dramatic (nearly 30 degree) drop in temperature between yesterday and today, I am wearing long sleeves for the first time since....April? It feels nice and cozy, two of my favorite things. I stayed in all day doing rainy day chores like folding laundry and drinking coffee (what? Someone has to do it!) Brianna desperately wanted to go outside today. Why, I'll never know. It's not like she's ever had a burning desire to do so before now. *shrug* I finished painting the stripes in my closet (yay!) now I just have some touch up and trim work to do, then it'll be ready to hang clothing in. This is taking a while because I have a ton of other stuff to do at the moment and technically the closet falls under the category of "labor of love" so on the backburner it goes. I don't mind.

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