Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Invisbl coffee

Michelle is in town (went to her place in Fayetteville, remember? She lives in Georgia now) for a visit. Her husband's family lives nearby and he's being deployed to Iraq soon, so he gets time to visit them. How convenient! She was gracious enough to use some of her precious time to get together with Melissa and I today, so we did what we used to do while she lived here: We went to Weston and shopped our cute little brains out! I love antique stores, they're so cool. It's amazing the amount of handcrafted things you can find here and how much we've lost from generation to generation due to machine made items. I would never think to beautify some of the things I saw today, yet some housewife from the fourties thought it was important enough to hand embroider. That is so cool! I like to learn from them and try to bring those kind of skills into my own world. (the braided rugs for Christmas, for example.) We had a great time reminiscing over the time I tripped on a fire hydrant that happened to be in the middle of the sidewalk but I couldn't see it because I was holding Brianna. I just stood there saying, "What did I hit, what did I hit?" While they laughed at me. Ah, memories. We were going to get some coffee but Melissa had to get home so we took a picture of us miming drinking coffee. It amuses me that the gesture took on three completely separate manifestations with us. Michelle is clearly clutching a disposable cup, I have an oversized mug, and Melissa looks like she's slurping on an ice blended drink. Good times, good times.

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