Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sleeeep! Yay!

I have no idea what made this picture come out blurry, but I'm not changing it because it looks like Jason is shaking hands with Spartacus. Aw! (I need to clean the family room tomorrow, there's no blurring out that.....) Today was a deliciously do nothing day. Go ahead and say that a few times, doesn't it feel good to verbalize? We slept in and went to the late service at church today. I had been looking for something in my room before we went and I had to move my suitcase to get to it. One of my razors was still inside and wouldn't you know, I found it with my thumb. The only band-aids in the house were Hello Kitty, so I taped myself back together and off we went. Jason and I happened to have nursery duty today, and all the little girls were impressed with my character bandage. Nice. I knew it happened for a reason. (ow, typing hurts!) I'm feeling icky, but not nearly as sick as I thought I would be. I think it's more my body's way of trying to slow me down rather than an actual cold. That's good. Today went by in a lovely haze of playing with the girls and catching up on e-mail. I haven't checked it since Thursday. The past two days the only computer things I have done is post the blogs for the day. If I hadn't made a daily blog commitment, that wouldn't have even happened. Alrighty, I think you've suffered reading this enough. Have a pleasant day/afternoon/evening/whenever you happen to read this! I'm going to watch some TV.


Spark*Life said...

Oh please! Make me suffer some more. You know just the way to do it. ;)

sugarbumkin said...

Okay, fine. I can do that...*pulls out a copy of "Metamorphasis" by Kafka* Shall I begin reading?

Anonymous said...

yay! for hello kitty bandaids, i bought them for myself! and have one on my toe right now!!! :-D see you in a few days!!!

sugarbumkin said...

*squee!* I'm so excited, I can't wait to see you!!