Thursday, September 18, 2008

It's not conspicuous...

I went to Leigha's parent/teacher conference today. I was told the same thing by every teacher Leigha has ever had, "She is way too talkative in class." Big shock. But this time I was talking to Leigha and telling her that talking was for recess and lunchtime and she said, "We're not allowed to talk at lunch." Whaaaat? "Yeah, we just use a lot of sign language." What's up with that? Lunch conversations are the best! The book fair was also going on so we went to the library after the conference and I got the girls a couple books for Christmas. I didn't want them to see the books so I asked for a bag to put them in. The librarian looked around, stupefied, then found this giant Price Chopper bag for me. Nice. I felt like I was buying oversized novelty liquor. Roving Imp rehearsal tonight was a lot of fun. We did a warm up game that had everyone doing weird things and it got so silly that my stomach hurt laughing. It's so hard to put into words what makes us laugh sometimes. The best laughs always come from those, "You just had to be there." Moments. I love those.


Lynette said...

I'd look into that whole no talking during lunch thing. I mean, what's the point?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, public schools suffer from tragedy of the commons. If we had privatized schools this wouldn't happen. ;)

sugarbumkin said...

Bingo! It's because they have lunch in the common area, meaning the fourth and fifth graders would hear nothing but third grade buzz during Leigha's lunch if they were allowed to talk. When I was in school we ate in the gym, but nowadays athleticism is so highly prized that you can't allow the precious floor to suffer for the sake of the kids being allowed to have a normal social life. Ah, America.