Saturday, September 13, 2008

I'm only happy when it rains

We have had a ton of rain lately. Today we got a little bit of a break, though, the sun was halfway out for a couple hours. The girls and I stayed in all day and watched movies and worked on projects, it was fun. When Jason came home we ate potato soup then went out on the back deck for a bit to watch the rainbow that arced across the entire sky, it was just breathtaking. This picture is a little dark and slightly blurry, but it looks so much better than the one I took with the flash and I like the Tim Burton-esque quality and colors in this one. We got the girls into their jammies and Jason dropped me off at the theater (remember? I left my car there!) for the Hype 7 show. It was pretty fantastic, there was a really great energy among the troupe tonight and we had a really good sized audience. I love the feeling you get after a really good show. Hopefully that will carry over into our performance tomorrow, the last night of the improv festival.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was a good show! Might be the best Hype 7 show I've seen :-)