Tuesday, September 9, 2008

It's a nice day for a white wedding

Big news, everyone! Everybody's favorite celebrity couple, Ketchup and Mustard, got married today! I happened to be nearby as they were about to climb into their stretch grease paper basket to go on their honeymoon. It's so exciting to be in the right place at the right time, you know? I did ask if they wouldn't mind signing the photo, but unfortunately, Mustard was very bitter about the whole thing and threatened to stain my shirt if I got too close. Oh well, at least I managed to snap this shot first.

Jason and I worked around the house rearranging crap in the garage. We have a ton to sell/give away at the moment. Can't wait to have that free space, wo0t! Rehearsal was pretty sweet, too. I played a character named Angsty McEmo. At one point I mimed taking off the hood on the hoodie I was 'wearing,' and Cerrome said, "Oh, that's the first time I've actually seen your face." Nice. Jen, Nifer and I went to the dive next door for a bit afterward, and Julie joined us. It's great having a group of gal pals with common interests and talents, we can chat for hours without exhausting topics.


Unknown said...

We have termites and are currently accepting donations to fill our garage so I can have a garage sale to raise funds. We're trying for $1200 so you can imagine that's a lot of junk. Just an idea :)

sugarbumkin said...

Oh, I thought you guys had the garage sale already. Cool! Wanna come get some stuff? We really don't have a way to transport some of the items.