Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tribal carvings

After dinner this evening we told the girls to get into their jammies, spread newspaper on the kitchen floor, and carved our pumpkins. We only managed to get three done before the little ones had to go to bed. They both have cat pumpkins (Leigha got to carve hers by herself for the first time) and mine is kind of anime-esque. Nice. Hans and Joe Stude came over this evening to work on a project with Jason, so while they did that I roasted the seeds, fed some to the kids and got them to bed. After they left Jason finally started on his pumpkin. It was one of those warty pumpkins and I thought Jason would like making a funky face on it. Little did we know those warty pumpkins have REALLY thick skin and a super hard outer shell! Jason said, "It's going to take me forever to carve this thing!" I said, "Duh, that's because it's not a pumpkin, it's a fortress." Finally he got it finished, but some of the pieces didn't come out quite right because Jason was literally having to saw his way through it. Oh well, it's pretty cute anyhow.


Michelle Lee said...

ah! I did mine tonight! its of Gir from invander zim on the front and then on the back I carved in tacos! and it projects out the back onto the wall when lit! Its waaaaay cooler in person, but I got some good pictures to post later. You'll have to check them out.

sugarbumkin said...

Oh that's awesome, it looked so good! I love the kind of pumpkins that aren't cut all the way through, they look so cool!