Saturday, May 17, 2008


Today was the big graduation! Unfortunately Barbie, Gary, Serena, and Rita had to leave just before it started in order to make their plane, but it was so great seeing them. Barbie had to hit Wal-Mart for some baby formula on their way out. Being from California she freaked out about it. "Oh, your Wal-Marts are soooooo big here, I love it! And they have produce!!!" The graduation went well. The commencement address speaker took FOREVER, though. He was the kind of person who likes to speak slowly and pause for a few minutes before changing subjects or making a point. Dude, you're talking to a couple thousand people and all we really want to do is see our particular person walk across the stage, then party with them. I commented to Jason that it's interesting how college is where they teach you to think for yourself and you really become your own person, and the last thing you do before leaving is walk into a building in a straight line dressed exactly the same as everyone else. We had a small lunch with Tim, just family. He's probably going to be partying with friends tonight. We drove home in the early evening. It was still light out when we got home, just after eight. Jason and I put the girls to bed then he went out and got us some sushi, which we ate outside under the stars. Pretty much the best way to wrap up an evening.

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