Saturday, May 10, 2008

You spin me right round, baby, right round

Today was yet another one of those days with fifty kajillion potential things to do and then everything falls through and you end up doing something you didn't even know was an option. I seem to get that a lot, perhaps I should just plan nothing on days when I have twenty things I could be doing. At any rate, the girls and I had a lazy morning, which is always fun. They made up little songs for me and played silly games with me. When we finally got up and dressed it was around noon, and one of Leigha's friends came over to see if she could play. I pretty much didn't see her again for another four hours. Brianna went down for a nap and I had a huge chunk of time to myself this afternoon. (Yes!) While I was reading I saw a car pull into my driveway. I wasn't expecting anyone, so I was surprised when I saw our good friend Dustin exiting the vehicle. (usually when we see him he's with the rest of the family and they drive the minivan) He knows our insurance guy and apparently he was hired on to take pictures of houses with new policies on them, and ours was on the list! Funny how that happens sometimes. I showed him the inside and he oohed and aahed at the appropriate moments, then he told me he was going to the church to practice drumming since he hadn't been there Wednesday and was wondering if Jason and I would like to go jam as well. I told him we had limited time due to plans later in the evening, but we could swing by for a bit. While at the church I got a text saying my other plans had fallen through, so we just stayed all evening. It was fun, I love singing. (this is all well and good, Jess, but what's with the picture?) After playing for a couple hours we went to Home Depot to get some things to be able to (FINALLY) hook up the washer and dryer. I don't have any clue what I'm holding in the picture there, but it sure was fun!

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