Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Preparing a space for Mrs. Pumpkineater to live

The baby pumpkins were placed in their new home today, aren't they adorable? (*collective round of "Awwww!*) I planted them in the morning when Leigha was still in school. Brianna insisted on trying to help but ended up basically dragging the rake around and singing a little song to herself. Leigha was really excited when she came home from school and I told her to go check them out, so she said, "Brianna, come on, let's look at the pumpkins!" But in Bri's little mind since we planted them they MUST have grown, and she demanded to know where the pumpkins had gone and was upset they hadn't sprouted full grown since that morning. *rolls eyes heavenward* Jason and I finally finished all the prep work for the basement and I found a paint color that I like, so we're on our way to being completely done by the time they come to put in the carpet this Tuesday. It's about time, too! I need the desktop set up, and soon! The laptop's keyboard tends to stick really bad and it's beginning to drive me


Jen said...

awww look at the cute wittle guys. :) you should see the monstrosity of garden that is going on in our back yard!

sugarbumkin said...

Actually I have been planning on coming by to see it sometime soon. Maybe after I get back!