Monday, May 19, 2008

Flip flop fail

Today I did some gardening (yay!) Pulled weeds, tilled dirt, leaned on a rake, all that good wholesome stuff. We have about seven pumpkin seedlings that have survived out of the twelve (some animal knocked over the tray when I put them out for some sun one day) and they're getting ready to be transplanted. Hopefully they'll do well! Tonight I went to the Westport Coffeehouse for a longform get together thingy. This is Joe, girl whose name I've forgotten, Nathan, Trish, Tim (behind the pole), guy whose name I've forgotten, Ryan, other guy whose name I've forgotten, and Jared. Caroline showed up for the first half but left before this picture was taken. Visualize her in any of the empty seats if you so wish. Girl and other guy are from Comedy City and tonight was their first night interacting with the improv community outside classes there. That's really exciting. I don't know how the first guy I don't know fits in, I've never seen him before and nobody introduced him around so I assume some people know him. *shrug* We practiced a bunch of scenes and stuff and it was pretty good. My brain pretty much refused to engage tonight and I hate it when that happens because these are people I care about what impression I give and when I'm stumbling over words and muttering, "Um...uh...pudding?" or whatever, it's a little embarrassing. It's Monday, what are you gonna do. Oh, and while there I broke my favorite pair of flip flops and I'm really bummed. It's very hard to find good courderoy flip flops for a good price (these were marked down from$16 to $.97 when I bought them a few years ago) and flip flops are impossible to wear once broken, so I had to drive home bare foot, which I hate doing because it feels weird and I'm pretty sure it's illegal. Not that a cop has ever pulled me over to check the status of my footwear. RIP awesome cheap courderoy flip flops, I shall miss you.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I hate when you lose your favorite shoes. :(