Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Don't let the halo fool you...

This is as close to angelic as Bri gets. Today we decorated our tree (yay!) and Spartacus will NOT leave it alone. He's climbed it several times and likes to get under the tree skirt and just hang out. Fortunately, Jason and I forsaw such events and reinforced the base of the tree. Mua ha ha. The girls had their first dress rehearsal for the play tonight. They were very excited as they donned their little green felt tunics and pointy hats. I went to rehearsal myself and had a great time. We did a french braid (three scenes, each revisited three times in succession) that was really messed up and super fun. I played a girl who was such a fierce stalker that by the third scene my character had literally morphed into Zak's character. Jen and Joe were a wealthy man and his robot wife, and Patrick and Nifer were a newly wed human/robot couple who survived the apocalypse while on their honeymoon and were now captives of a polar bear colony. It really is amazing what the human brain comes up with when you're making stuff up off the top of your head. I swear we're not crazy......for the most part. I got home just after Jason and the girls and we put them to bed. Ah, good 'ol peace and quiet.


Michelle Lee said...

hey! just wanted to let you know, I've posted some of my polish pottery on ebay. SN= xile85

sugarbumkin said...

lol, thanks. Good thing I know you or that could be considered spam. ;-) *goes to ebay*