Go back and check out my posting from January 1 of this year, this is too cool. Last year I spent New Years at The Imp, then at Jenny and Jason's. I dug that same outfit (plus accessories) out of the closet for this year, then re-created the picture, complete with the finger over the flash. How cool is that?
7, 6, 5........
Last year I resolved to: Keep myself better organized- Yes, I managed to, although I'm not quite where I want to be yet, I have a lot more places for things, with more things in their places. Buy a house-Done and done! If you missed it, go back and check out April and May. I couldn't be happier with the place. Lose weight-Maybe a little........Okay, so I have something to work on for 2009.
4, 3, 2.........
I'm sad this blog is about to come to a close, and yes, a little relieved. It's difficult blogging every single day, and I didn't miss a single one, even when I didn't have internet access. I kept the laptop next to me and typed up the entry in a notebook entry. Really! I will continue to keep a photo blog, however, just not daily. Follow me on over to http://www.sugarbumkin.blogspot.com
Happy New Year.
LOVE IT!!!! You go out the same way you come in, with US!!!! :)
Happy New Year, Jess, and congratulations! It takes a lot of work to do something every day for a year. I mean, other than breathe. I'm going to breathe every day in 2009.
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