Monday, December 8, 2008

Oh, the truth.....

I've always joked that when I can't figure out what picture to take, on days when not much happens, I'll take pictures of my feet. Look at me proving myself correct! Although, this is not just a "do my toes look happy?" post, no, this is a "look how warm it was at one point in December" post. Seriously, it was like 60 degrees and the perfect amount of humid today! Beautimus! So when Jason and I ran to Target for milk and bread, I went out in flip flops with no jacket on. Because I could. I'm not saying nothing happened today, but do you really care that I enjoyed teasing the cat and beating songs on Guitar Hero that I had been previously unable to conquer? 'Cause that's your alternative.......wait, what? Uh, okay then. Sorry about that. Next time, maybe?

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