Monday, December 15, 2008

I'm a Jessicle!

Today it was freezing with a capital 'T!' I think the high today was something like 18, and it didn't even get that high until about 4pm or so. Brrrr and yuck! Jason and I went to Target for some essentials and a couple presents for the cat (guess who's getting a new collar with a mouse design and a bell? I bet he's glad he's an animal and therefore hasn't got any self image awareness.) This evening we took the girls downtown to look at the Christmas lights. I love living in a city and being able to see the streets decked out in full splendor. The Mariott downtown always uses the side of their building as a ginormous animated lite brite, and one of the animations we saw tonight showed a sprig of mistletoe, a girl walking in, then a guy walking in, then they kissed! Super cute! I love it when LED diodes fall in love! After driving around for a bit we went to a book store then got some coffee so I could thaw out my poor hands. And you thought it was just for drinking. Hah!

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